Grace Alone by Shree Vasant
On 14th December 1970, when Shree Vasant was about to leave Akkalkot, the abode of Master, Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj, He received a command to write a book in the English language by Parama Sadguru. Since God created man in His image, it is quite logical to assume that He prescribed a code of conduct for His best creation, which would be in harmony with the unfoldment of the Divine Plan.
Grace Alone will enable man to have a peep into the Infinite. All we have to do is to cleanse our mind and body, to attract Grace.
This book was first published in January 1971. In those days nobody talked about air, water, soil pollution and how it is destroying natural resources and how it is affecting the human mind.
It is interesting to note that in a book written on the subject of spirituality, the first chapter is about pollution.
This book is about the message of Fivefold Path for Peace and Bliss, to unfold the Divine within you.
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